Farm DSS is an Agritech company developing sustainable farming techniques and package of practices and then taking efforts to make it available to farmers in easiest and affordable way.

Farm DSS is on a mission to do extensive effort for developing sustainable farming practices and ensure that this knowledge is imparted to larger base of farmers. Only after becoming knowledgeable and adopting latest package of practices, farmers will bring new revolution in agriculture sector to make farming sustainable and profitable.

Farm DSS is using interactive digital methodologies to reach out to larger base of farmers, educate them, make all latest knowledge and farming practices available to them. In this digital era farmers are accepting learning and development through digital media like videos. Our aim is to follow integrated approach with combination of traditional sustainable techniques and latest cutting-edge low-cost safe technologies.



    • Sustainable & Profitable Precision Farming • Improved Soil and Water Health for sustainable farming • Safe Food for Human Being



    Empower Farmers with Knowledge, for producing ecologically safe and profitable crops thereby ensuring economic sustainability of farmers. Harnessing demographic dividend of India by ensuring nutritional security, ensuring best collaboration of all stakeholders for generating logistics and forecasting support, Investing more in R&D for tackling new challenges like climate change, global temperature rise and developing new practices and sharing with Farmers.


    Farm DSS is committed to strive for developing farming practices which are going with nature and are sustainable.


    Farm DSS is developing research based good agriculture practices optimizing all the recourses required and thus encouraging precision farming.


    Optimizing resources with our precision farming techniques and good agriculture practices we are ensuring quality yield making farming profitable.

MR. B. T. Gore

Founder - Farm DSS Agritech Pvt Ltd Agripreneur, Trainer & Consultant

Founder Mr. B T Gore is basically a son of farmer with education in Agriculture started his career in Agri Input company. During his tenure in industry, he worked in product development & sales in Indian as well as US MNC companies.

v  Insightful professional with notable success in knowledge based private agriculture extension agency.

v  Extensive experience in Pomegranate Farming.

v  Pivotal role in making pomegranate farming successful, profitable & sustainable by imparting trainings on precision pomegranate farming in various forums impacting more than 100 thousand farmers lives.

v  Pioneer in making unique Pomegranate farming techniques popular viz.:

      Bed Plantation

      Single Stem (Canopy Management)

      Double Lateral Irrigation System

      Low-cost micronutrient mixture

      Cotton cake slurry

      Irrigation Principals

v  Developed complex algorithms for pomegranate precision package of practice

v  Having 13+ years’ experience of Pomegranate Farming & Field Consultancy pan India.

v  Expertise in handling big size farms of 50+ hectors area with successful harvesting of export quality produce of pomegranate

v  Interactive visits & Exposure to global pomegranate producing farmers from countries like Israel, USA, China, Singapore, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Shri Lanka & Thailand.

v  Promising work in Knowledge based agriculture extension which is majorly neglected area.

v  Leading a profitable self-sustainable startup Farm DSS Agri-Tech.

v  More than 10,000 Hrs. Training Experience

v  Developed own integrated approach farming techniques

With the vision of social cause of bringing positive change in lives of farmers he decided to work in knowledge-based agriculture extension in 2007. He identified pomegranate as a crop which can increase dryland farmers income and profitability. But there were lot of challenges in pomegranate farming. Various diseases were damaging crops and there was lack of awareness in farmers to mitigate these challenges. Then Mr. B T Gore did experiments in his own farm to develop package of practices for profitable and quality pomegranate farming. Then he started spreading this knowledge to farmers with farmers corner meetings and personal farm level physical consultancy to farmers on pomegranate cultivation which he continued till 2011.

There were limitations on his reach to number of farmers in individual capacity for field consultancy. Then in 2012 he started training young farmers on techniques of precision pomegranate farming and develop more consultants and trained farmers to reach a greater number of farmers. This also resulted in generation of employment as many young farmers learnt from Mr. B T Gore and started working as consultants. Then he also started classroom trainings with field workshop on pomegranate farming which got a very good response from farming community.

There are many variables in pomegranate cultivation, practices need to be altered depending on soil, weather, water conditions, we cannot have same solution viable for different geographies and varieties. Accordingly, Mr B T Gore travelled across India in all pockets suitable for pomegranate growing, studied the local conditions and developed solutions which will be fit as per local climatic conditions. He also travelled across the globe in various countries to study the advance practices in pomegranate cultivation across the globe. Based on global standard practices, he developed various solutions which will be best fit as per Indian conditions and specific to various regional conditions in India.

Devidas Berad Marketing Manager
Arti Kharde Crop Advisor
Varsha Shevate Accountat & HR
Priyanka Gore Customer Satisfaction Executive
Shital Shevate Customer Care
Bharati Tribhuvan Customer Care
Mohini Gunjal Customer Care
Amol Sarmade UI / Ux Designer
Saurav Harde Digital Marketer