Adding value to Farmers produce by filling the gap of tehnologies and actual Farm.Providing best livlihood source and business options on one platforms for various stakeholders ,also helping farmers for best price discovery by saving his input cost by teaching him good agricultural practices.
Supply of Knowledge ,for producing ecologically safe and cost intensive crops thereby ensuring economic sustainabilty of farmers ,harnessing demographic dividend of India by ensuring nutritional security,ensuring best collaboration of all stakeholders for generating logistics and forcasting support,Investing more in R&D for tackling new challenges like climate change ,global temperature rise ,GHC etc ,and developing new practices and sharing with Farmers.
FarmDSS : An Argri-tech which is working for collaborating all stakeholders in horticultural crops at one platform for better services.
Through mobile application Named as Farms ,we provide complete plot consultation in pomegranate farming right form preplantation to harvesting stage
During this we provide best agricultural practices in the schedule also farmer can ask question and get reply form out R&D team on real time basis.
Another feature for our farmers is Knowledge bank using which farmer can learn about various topics in detailed and updated manner.
FarmDSS helps farmers to save resources and energy at every stage of crop.
FarmDSS links all stakeholders FARMER->AGRI PRACTICES->INPUT DEALERS->SERVICE PROVIDERS which is adding value in the supply chain and benefits every one in great way.
FarmDSSby adding value at each stage of supply chain helps to discover best product and price.